Post by starlord on Dec 26, 2006 19:56:12 GMT -5
Please let us know what you think!
Post by chaltab on Dec 26, 2006 21:24:18 GMT -5
This issue just doesn't feel like Titans to me. It's too angsty and grim. I understand that the DC2 characters aren't the same as their comic counterparts, but the Roy Harper and Raven in this issue just seem so off they're like different people. The best part of the issue, I think, was the Flamebird and Arrowette part, and even that refered to Flamebird as Carrie rather than Mary-Elizabeth or Bette. Also, the fact that they freely reffered to Arsenal by his real first name during battle with thugs? Not really the smartest thing. The part of this issue I think is most interesting in terms of future plot issues is Barbara and Dick trying to figure out who funded the Tower. And it was quite well written, just... not terribly interesting. Well, those are my thoughts, take them or leave them. 
Junior Member

Posts: 63
Post by a2uton on Dec 27, 2006 0:00:13 GMT -5
A nice change of pace. Chaltab was right. It is somewhat dark. But then the Titans have always had a current of angst underneath. Its been a while since I read a regular issue of the other Titans so I'm not familiar with the names Element, Woodchuck and Dagon and don't know if they're new characters or already established in that universe. The most intriguing part is the Titans new benefactor. It'll be interesting to see if you use Mr. Jupiter or go another direction. Hmm, I just realised Steve Dayton is also a possibility.
Post by markymark261 on Dec 27, 2006 4:51:32 GMT -5
Many thanks for the comments. Hopefully, things should lighten up a bit next issue (although, thinking about it, things also probably get a little bit darker as well). Also, on the lighter side, you could also try out the Titans-based issue of the DC2 Ambush Bug title that's out in January. As far as the new members are concerned (apart from Gar), they originated in an art contest here back in June ( CLICK HERE[/i][/u][/url] for further information). We should see a bit more of them next time round.
Post by HoM on Dec 27, 2006 13:00:52 GMT -5
I liked it at moments, but some times it felt off. I was hoping that we'd get a sense of you getting into your stride this issue Mark, but it's still feeling a bit off. Maybe it was the way the new characters were introduced, or the way Raven was happy-go-lucky and Roy was homicidal, I don't know, but I'm gonna' come back next issue and give it another go!
I personally would prefer it if you focused on Dick, Donna (not seeing much of her IMO), Kory, Raven, Roy and Wally, and not bring in so many new characters and guest stars (hypocrisy, yeah yeah) because it feels like you're stretching yourself quite thinly...
Post by starlord on Dec 27, 2006 13:20:07 GMT -5
As Editor of this book there are many responses I would like to say, but I know the writer would kill me. LOL! So instead, I ask you all to be patient and stay with us. If you felt that things seemed a bit off... then good. Mark did his job this issue. Trust me. 
Post by HoM on Dec 27, 2006 13:47:11 GMT -5
And here's me sitting here, forgetting the cover artist! Ramon! Good job on this cover, and very nice redesign of Nightwing's new costume! It's more fitting with the character than your earlier, bulkier design!
Post by arcalian on Dec 27, 2006 21:08:27 GMT -5
That is SO not Raven. It's not just that she's lacking her empathy. Someone else, Dearest Daddy Trigon, maybe, is in her head.
Beast Boy is here, but he, Arrowette and Flamebird aren't who they say they are. Somebody unknown funded the new Tower. Roy wanted to kill Raven, Raven actually tried to kill Roy. If the original Tara Markov ever shows up to stab this team in the back, she's gonna have to take a number!
Waitaminute....I think I just figured out who built the tower....oh crud.....
Nice Kory/Babs bit too.
Post by markymark261 on Dec 28, 2006 5:31:19 GMT -5
Thanks for the comments, Charlie (I do agree with you totally about Donna's underuse), and arcalian (the "oh crud" suggests to me that you're right about who built the Tower; as for some of your other comments, my lips are sealed).
Call me 'Q'!
Posts: 681
Post by Quester on Dec 28, 2006 10:27:57 GMT -5
I personally love the darker feel of this comic. Its not dark as in Watchmen dark but its real and gritty as if these heroes are in the real world and I love it. Id like to talk to you about future issues marky as I am hoping to do a two issue arc in the future and this really inspired me to start writing it! Also PLASTIQUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU! I didnt realise he was gonna be in the issue I thought it was only the winner. Not that I really care as the very mention of him was amesome, but will we hear more about Plastique?!
Post by markymark261 on Dec 28, 2006 13:27:09 GMT -5
Thanks, Quester. I reckoned all of the contest heroes had their own merits and it seemed a shame just to use the winner. We'll definitely be hearing more about Plastique and the other new members.
Post by hope on Dec 28, 2006 21:21:14 GMT -5
Extremely creepy! I was really disturbed by the way Raven was written. Nice. Poor Wally....
Post by Romans Empire on Dec 29, 2006 14:13:01 GMT -5
This was a great 'character focus' issue! After the Crisis and the x-over with the Outsiders this was a much needed breather. It reminded me of when Wolfman would spend an issue messing with these kids in between major battles. Things continue to be interesting between Dick, Kori, and Babs! Also the mysterious benefactor could be interesting if it's who I think it is. I love the fact that you brought in the contest winners(all of them were winners!) from last June. Also having Beast Boy and Arrowette made me jump for joy even if they weren't in the issue. Mentioning what happened to Nightwing in the mall and referencing Santa ninjas was a nice nod to DC2 continuity! The entire scene with Raven and (don't call me) Speedy seemed a little off to me. But it was suppose to because something isn't quiet right there! Then you go and end it on a roof...I mean cliffhanger!  Great job all around Mark. You are on a roll with this book!
Post by Admin on Dec 29, 2006 18:45:07 GMT -5
Thanks for the comments, Hope and John. They were much appreciated.
Post by David on Jan 6, 2007 9:48:35 GMT -5
Honestly, this was my favorite issue of the title so far. I don't know if I'd call the tone "dark" just yet--- but it certainly is foreboding! Lots of stuff is coming, and from a lot of different directions.
There were actually some pretty clever moments of levity: Bruce and Kory was genius, as well as Alfred's comment about brutality. Flamebird and Arrowette, and scythe-weilding Gotham villains called Old Father Time--- just clever, funny stuff, and it kinda reminded me of Joss Whedon or Gail Simone.
Raven was definately off--- but then, as her actions demonstrated, she was supposed to be!
I love the development between Dick and Kory, and the tension that Babs adds to the equation (she must be home for the holidays). I think the writer has cleverly given both sides of the "shipper" triangle reason to hope at this point, and has done a great job at getting milage from it. I'm a fan of both characters, but as Babs is considerably developed, I look forward to seeing some good stuff from Koriand'r, Warrior Princess of Tamaran (hey, sounds like a great idea for a mini!).
And I have to give the writer bonus points for the Beatles reference. And Blackbird--- a perfect choice for Wally and Raven!
All-in-all, this issue reminded me of the best of Wolfman's run, and gives me hope that "I ain't seen nutin' yet!"
Post by koryanders on Jan 6, 2007 10:39:02 GMT -5
I have not put up a comment up here since the start of this issue and please forgive me for that I have been real busy. Don't get it twisted tho I visit regularly to check for new issues. I really enjoy this series and I am not happy with the real DC Universe so it is real refreshing to come here and be able to read about my favorite characters and really enjoy and want more. After this last issue I had to take the time to let you guys know you are doing a splendid job and I hope you never stop. Please keep it comming and I also love the dark gritty turn. Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by Admin on Jan 6, 2007 19:25:27 GMT -5
Thanks, David, especially for the Whedon, Simone and Wolfman mentions.
Also, many thanks to koryanders. I'm glad that my issue managed to lure you back to the Titans letters pages after all this time, and also that you're enjoying what we're doing here. Thanks for letting us know.
Post by arcalian on Jan 6, 2007 23:25:24 GMT -5
Hey KoryAnders, are you the same KoryAnders from ComicBloc?
Post by Brandon on Jan 13, 2007 4:30:46 GMT -5
Cool cover, Ramon. Very much a Carrie pose.  Fun new tweaks in the costumes. I like the streamlining of Dick's suit (sorry for not getting back to you on that design) but there still is some interesting Kyle Rayner Second Costume detail work going on there. Kid Flash's new details are a step closer in evolution to Barry's, but maybe superfluous and making it too much like Bart's later version? Aw c'mon, you know I'm gonna complain about any changes to that costume. It's my all-time favorite. And I can't help thinking Donna's red-and-gold ensemble would have looked great as a tight, short one-piece for some reason.  Mark. An interesting and well put together story. There were some fun pop culture and self-referential breaks in dialogue and the segues flowed nicely throughout the story. Interesting interplays in the characters if not wallowing in those to the detriment of any real attention grabbing action scenes. This is a subtle piece in dropping nods backwards and hints forwards. On story details, it was fun to see Flamebird in action. Her scene with Arrowette stood out as whimsical in the heavier foreshadowing in the rest of the tale. But I'm really glad to see all of the characters from the "Create a Titan" contest here. The real fun of the challenge was in seeing all of the different new ideas and each one fully worth more exploration. You also met the Babs/Kory debate head-on which was fun to see. And for who's the new mysterious benefactor? Ha, given the direction of the book can it be anyone else? You are a long-time fan of these characters and that shines through, particularly in the step the Titans are finally making from their quasi-Original Team role to fully inherit the Wolfman/Perez Era. I enjoyed this story and am looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Post by Admin on Jan 16, 2007 11:55:15 GMT -5
Thanks for reading and commenting, Brandon. It's much appreciated.